In managing the teaching and learning activities at school a teacher is expected to have the ability to master the class. Mathematics as we known is one of lesson that every grade in school has learn about it, even in the kindergarten until university, mathematics still used for some department.
Learning process in now is different with old methods; the new teacher must change the learning methods with old methods that is expository methods into the new one when the teacher must be some facilitator for the students. So teacher not only becomes the center of the learning process. The methods in Indonesia now from government are school based curriculum, with the purposes is every school has the curriculum that maybe different with another school and make the students as the center of the learning process. Teacher now must change their mind from the center of the class become the facilitator for the students with student as the center of learning process. Teacher should make the students construct their understanding about the material. There are any 12 ways to developing and managing the learning process that can be used in the school learning process, that is:
1. Developing the Lesson Plan
In Indonesia we know the lesson plan as RPP that is the teacher’s personal, teacher’s personal right, teacher cognitive right, etc. The lesson plan is belong to teacher, so the teacher must make some description of the course of instruction for one class as a lesson plan. The minimum requirements of lesson plan are identity, information, aim, competence, learning resources, description, teaching content/ material, etc. As teacher we must make a good planning what are the students do in the class.
So the lesson plan is the way for teacher prepares the material for the students which way the students can accept the material. Teachers must prepare the lesson plan which contain list of the material, the time required to complete the lesson, what the students can do, and what students knows, make the students can interest with the lesson and they can extend their skills or knowledge on their own. So every teacher in the educational unit shall prepare a complete and systematic lesson plans so that learning takes place in interactive, inspiring, exciting, challenging, motivating learners to actively participate and provide enough space for innovation, creativity, and independence in accordance with the talents, interest, and physically and psychological development of learners.
2. Developing the Students Worksheet
The paradigm of learning mathematics is to do mathematics. The student worksheet is one of tool needed by students to doing mathematics. But in Indonesia, the student worksheet as we knows as LKS is just used for to do some exercise. But the student worksheet itself isn’t just some exercise to do by the students but also the technology for the teacher to know how far the students can accept the material. So the paradigm of the teacher in Indonesia which the worksheet is just some exercise is absolutely wrong.
The worksheet is some technology for the students both in “co-curricula” and “intra-curricula” activities to facilitate understanding of subject matter. It’s packaged teaching materials integration that allows students to learn the material independently. The worksheet is expected to help the students discover and develop mathematical concepts. So worksheet is contain instruction and information from teacher to students to help the students doing their learning process or does some exercises which related with the material to achieve the goal of the learning process.
Worksheet has some advantage too, that is for teacher as some alternative way to direct the learning or introduce some activities, help the learning process become more effectives and efficient, and optimize the lesson.
3. Developing Learning Resources
In the school we must have some resources or reference to teach some material. In developing learning resources, there are s many kind of them that is some text books, instructional sheet with some name that is: job sheet, work sheet, information sheet, and another learning resources both is print or non-print, internet, etc.
To achieve the competencies of the students, teacher must have some skills to develop student skills. Learning resources are also defined as information, represented and stores. In a variety of media and formats, that assists student learning as defined by provincial or local curricula. This includes but is not limited to, materials in print, video, and software formats, as well as combination of these formats intended for use by teachers and students.
Learning resources can be categorized as follows:
a. Place or the surrounding natural environment that is anywhere ne can perform learning or behavior change process such as libraries, markets, museums, rivers, mountains, landfills, pond and other fish.
b. Objects that allow the change of behavior for students. For example sites, temples, other relics.
c. People that is people who have particular expertise in which learners can learn something, then that question can be categorized as a learning resource. For example a teacher, geologist, police and other experts.
d. Material that is everything that a written text, print, electronic recordings, web, etc, that can be used for learning.
e. The book is all sorts of books that can be read independently by students. E.g. text books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, fiction, etc.
f. Events and facts that are happening, such as riots, catastrophic events, and other events that teacher can make the events or facts.
Learning resource will be meaningful if the students and teacher organize the learning resources into one designed which allows someone to utilize as learning resources. If it doesn’t work so the environment, people, book, will be nothing or meaningless. As a teacher we should be able to develop teaching materials into something interesting so the students will interest in studying the material. We also not only provide single source of teaching materials, but make some variation of that and so many kind of resources.
4. Developing and Implementing Apperception
Apperception is students’ readiness to learn, to do anything, or something. Apperception is used by teachers prior to entering the teaching material. Apperception is useful to help students recall material that has been taught before and links t further material, at this stage of apperception usually the teachers will build a students knowledge to be able to accept new knowledge. Apperception is really important for teacher to prepare the classroom, so the teacher also knows the classroom is ready or not achieve the new knowledge.
And for the students it also help, they can remember the previous material. In apperception material needed to interpret the responses of new, well that’s why learners should have some knowledge before going to school, because it has not made a good job of teachers to arrange them according to certain categories and expand and deepen in all subjects. Past experiences are often incomplete and can always be refined, so keep reorganized.
Apperception means the appreciation of all thins is the basis accepts new ideas. In general, the function of apperception in learning activities is to bring the word students into the world of teachers. That is, to relate what is already known or in naturally with what will be learned, so that students are motivated to keep learning perception could be story, songs pictures, flash animations, video, video flash, etc.
5. Developing and Implementing various Method of Teaching
Use a variation of teaching is to entice students to better concentrate on the lessons given by teachers. These objectives may include:
1. Improving and maintaining student’s attention to relevant of teaching and learning.
2. Provide opportunities functioning possible motivation.
3. Forming a positive attitude toward teachers and school.
4. Offers you the possibility choice and individual learning facility.
5. Encouraging learners to learn.
As teacher we must make some various method in learning process, it used so the students interest in learning. There are so many kind method of teaching. Not only just lecturing, explaining, giving task, giving examples, giving suggestion, and etc. But make the students can really understand what the material it is, they can achieve the material and construct their own knowledge, another method of teaching is like giving some quiz with games, make a group discussion, etc. Teachers must be some facilitator for the students, and master in three skills that is methods, media, and approaches. Variations method of teaching includes variations in teaching style, variations in media and materials, variations interaction.
A variation in teaching style includes variations of noise, variation movement of limbs, and the variation of the displacement of teacher in the classroom. For students, the variations are seen as an energetic, excited, and all have relevance to learning outcomes. Behavior of such teachers in the learning process will make dynamic system in the class, enhance communication between teachers and students, help the students to receive the materials, and provide stimulation.
Variations in media and materials are used because every child has sensory capabilities not as good as hearing and vision, but also the ability to speak. There are children who love to read, there are love to listening first the read or vice-versa.
6. Developing and Implementing Teaching Aids
Teaching aids is a learning media that contain or bring the concepts and characteristic that it brought. The main functions of teaching aids are to decrease some abstract concepts, so the students can achieve the real meaning of the material. With a vision, touch, and manipulate the objects/ teaching aids, the students would have some real experiences in the new life and know the real meaning of the concepts. There are so many kinds of teaching aids, for the example board, books, pencil, chalk, stick, and etc.
Teaching aids is some tool in teaching so that students can better understand the material described. As a teacher we should be able to make the props into interesting and make the students can easily grasp and understand the material taught by the teacher.
The role of teaching aids mentioned as follows: (a) visual aids can make education more effective by increasing students enthusiasm for learning, (b) teaching aids allow more appropriate to an individual, where students learn with a lot of possibilities so that learning takes place is very pleasant for each individual, (c) allows teaching aids to learns faster and become consistent between classes outside the classroom, (d) teaching aids allows more systematic and orderly. (Anonim)
By looking at the role of teaching aids, teaching in math lesson is most in need of props, because in this lesson students depart from the abstract to be translated into concrete. Teaching aids it can be we make it by self or some program, or something made in factory.
7. Developing and Implementing Various Interaction
There are any two kinds of interaction in the classroom, that is interaction between teachers and students, and interaction between students and students. The patterns between teacher and students are often to see in the teaching process. A good teacher is teacher who gives their students opportunity to express their opinions. To stimulate students to be active to express opinions or ask questions, the need to hold the variation pattern of interaction between teachers and students.
The interaction between students and teacher can clearly see when there are any small groups of students and through the submission of several question teacher can have some interaction, or with several question teachers can also talk to the students individually. Teacher must create some situations which the students can take their children exchanging opinions though personal appearance, demonstration, or discussion. The interaction between students and teacher communication is a process carried out reciprocally in conveying the message to the students. Interaction is not independent of the communication elements, namely involving the communicator component, communicant, barely, and the media. All four of these elements will give birth to the so-called feedback interactions.
The interactions between student and student will help the student to discuss and express their mind. With this the slowest students will help by the smart one because usually the slowest have problem with the explanation of the teacher and with the help by the smart students the slowest will help by the explanation of the material.
8. Developing and Implementing Small Group Discussion
In this method small group discussion is one of the various methods of teaching, this method is helping the students to express their own thinking, and they can discussion each other what they thinking about the material. For the teacher it can make some interaction to talk individually to the students or in small group.
Usually small group contains 3-4 students each group. With this method teacher can not dominate the students, the students can brainstorm in the discussion, demonstration without any help from teacher. So this pattern of interaction between students and teacher will become so various.
In this small group discussion, teacher just gives some problems and give the task to the students to solve the problems by discussion. With that teacher can know how far they achieve the material, and how they solve the problems by their own way and thinking. So with the group discussion there are so many kind of advantage to do this method, even by teacher or by students.
9. Developing and Implementing Student’s Presentation/ Reflection
This method is usually used when the students have finished their task even by themselves or by group discussion. This really important to know what the students thinking in their mind, and make the students express their own mind thinking. This method is also helping the student not only to express their opinion but also train their self- confidence to speak in the crowd or in front of other students.
Students presentation/ reflection is making some possibility of allowing the proper functioning of motivation in learning, motivation plays a very important, because without the motivation of a students will not do the learning activities. In teaching and learning in the classroom, not every students in his ad that his own sense of waning to know more of the materials given by the teachers. So with the reflection by the students teacher can really know what have the students gave in the classroom. Teacher know if their serious or not.
With a presentation or reflection students have some time to discuss their opinion and think more clearly and prepare some information that they have get. Teacher can have seen various opinions of the students and some way the students solve the problems or explain the material. With that hope other students can really understand if they friend explaining the material.
10. Developing and Implementing the Cognitive Scheme (the Scheme for the Students to achieve their competencies)
The important thing of the cognitive scheme is to find out how the students can really understand what the material is and achieve the competencies. In this stage teacher can make some quiz or several question can be asked to the students suddenly. In this stage teacher can also used the worksheet to test the students.
This stage is really important because the teacher must know how far the students achieve the material and it will make the method of teaching by teacher are succeed or not. If the result almost of the students achieve and understand about the material is means that teacher have succeed become a facilitator for the students.
Developing and implementing of the cognitive scheme teacher must make the students focus on thinking or mental process, not just the result. In addition to the truth of the answer of students, teacher must understand the process used so that children arrive at the answer. Stresses the role of students in their own initiative and active involvement in learning activities, teaching knowledge is not under pressure, but children are encouraged to find their own knowledge through spontaneous interaction with the environment. And also teacher must tolerate the existence f individual differences in terms of progress the development.
11. Developing and Implementing Students Conclusion
Students need to explain and justify their thinking and learn how to detect fallacies and critical thinking. They need to have sample opportunity to apply their reasoning skills and justify their thinking in mathematical discussion. In learning process if mathematics students must have explained, asses their own thinking, and learn how to detect the error in thinking. In this stage students can really express their opinion and what they are thinking. Usually this method will explain by the students when the students get some problems and then they discuss with other, express their opinion, and then make the conclusion what they thinking. And also they can make some conclusion of the material which given by the teachers.
With this, teacher can also know how far they get the material, how understand they get the material, and also can make the cognitive scheme. In this stage hopes the students can adaptive the reasoning capacity for logical thought, refection, explanation, and justification. So students have the competencies to make some conclusion in logical thinking, and can expository the answer, give some explanation with concepts and procedure of answer which is used and have a mathematical answer. Students also have some adaptive reasoning refers to capability to think logically about the relationships among concepts and situations. Such reasoning is correct and valid, stems from careful consideration of alternative, and includes knowledge of how to justify the conclusions.
The student’s conclusion usually has in the discussion, so the teacher must make some opportunity or big opportunity to express their reasoning with mathematics discussion. With this students can account explained and justify every answer they give so they can achieve the goal of learning optimize.
12. Discussion and Implementing Assessments
The purpose of giving the task is to provide exercises and application of skills, concepts and principles of mathematics that has been given to learning in the classroom; as an initial guide for students to entering the new concepts and new principles that will be given to learning, to conduct trials of matters of abstract; to recall the material in preparation for quizzes, tests, and other types of evaluation; as a diagnostic tools.
The assessment can be given as task which doing in the class or homework. With some task hopes can make the students to more independent, creative and responsible. But the meaning of a given the task for the students is not only to give some exercise or homework to do, but to know how far the capability of the students. With this assessment students can have some experiences to do some materials, so when they meet some exams they can prepare the materials. Tasks also give some opportunity to students to understandings the materials; give some opportunity to show their knowledge and their own thinking. With exercise students has ready to have the new materials or next materials. Giving the task also have some disadvantages that is teachers have some difficulties to control the students that the task is really do by their own or other person, especially in group task there are some students who do not active to solve the problems, is not easy to giving the task with the level of intelligence every students, if teacher often give some monotonous task students will get bored, and we don’t know that all the students has really understand about the materials.
From those 12 ways to managing the teaching learning process, it can help teachers to change their mind and make some new paradigm to change the traditional method into the new on, for example by constructive learning methods. Teachers can help by that to have some reference and information how to handle their classroom and leave the old methods that really bored for the students, and make the students not develop. With the new methods and new paradigm the students can freely express their own thinking and can be more evolve. If teacher can construct the student’s knowledge and make the students achieve the materials, it means the teacher has succeeded to produce the students that can implement mathematics in the daily life, and make the students to not scary to mathematics.