Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011

Managing the Teaching Learning Process of Mathematics (Practical Approach)

In managing the teaching and learning activities at school a teacher is expected to have the ability to master the class. Mathematics as we known is one of lesson that every grade in school has learn about it, even in the kindergarten until university, mathematics still used for some department.
Learning process in now is different with old methods; the new teacher must change the learning methods with old methods that is expository methods into the new one when the teacher must be some facilitator for the students. So teacher not only becomes the center of the learning process. The methods in Indonesia now from government are school based curriculum, with the purposes is every school has the curriculum that maybe different with another school and make the students as the center of the learning process. Teacher now must change their mind from the center of the class become the facilitator for the students with student as the center of learning process. Teacher should make the students construct their understanding about the material. There are any 12 ways to developing and managing the learning process that can be used in the school learning process, that is:
1. Developing the Lesson Plan
In Indonesia we know the lesson plan as RPP that is the teacher’s personal, teacher’s personal right, teacher cognitive right, etc. The lesson plan is belong to teacher, so the teacher must make some description of the course of instruction for one class as a lesson plan. The minimum requirements of lesson plan are identity, information, aim, competence, learning resources, description, teaching content/ material, etc. As teacher we must make a good planning what are the students do in the class.
So the lesson plan is the way for teacher prepares the material for the students which way the students can accept the material. Teachers must prepare the lesson plan which contain list of the material, the time required to complete the lesson, what the students can do, and what students knows, make the students can interest with the lesson and they can extend their skills or knowledge on their own. So every teacher in the educational unit shall prepare a complete and systematic lesson plans so that learning takes place in interactive, inspiring, exciting, challenging, motivating learners to actively participate and provide enough space for innovation, creativity, and independence in accordance with the talents, interest, and physically and psychological development of learners.

2. Developing the Students Worksheet
The paradigm of learning mathematics is to do mathematics. The student worksheet is one of tool needed by students to doing mathematics. But in Indonesia, the student worksheet as we knows as LKS is just used for to do some exercise. But the student worksheet itself isn’t just some exercise to do by the students but also the technology for the teacher to know how far the students can accept the material. So the paradigm of the teacher in Indonesia which the worksheet is just some exercise is absolutely wrong.
The worksheet is some technology for the students both in “co-curricula” and “intra-curricula” activities to facilitate understanding of subject matter. It’s packaged teaching materials integration that allows students to learn the material independently. The worksheet is expected to help the students discover and develop mathematical concepts. So worksheet is contain instruction and information from teacher to students to help the students doing their learning process or does some exercises which related with the material to achieve the goal of the learning process.
Worksheet has some advantage too, that is for teacher as some alternative way to direct the learning or introduce some activities, help the learning process become more effectives and efficient, and optimize the lesson.

3. Developing Learning Resources
In the school we must have some resources or reference to teach some material. In developing learning resources, there are s many kind of them that is some text books, instructional sheet with some name that is: job sheet, work sheet, information sheet, and another learning resources both is print or non-print, internet, etc.
To achieve the competencies of the students, teacher must have some skills to develop student skills. Learning resources are also defined as information, represented and stores. In a variety of media and formats, that assists student learning as defined by provincial or local curricula. This includes but is not limited to, materials in print, video, and software formats, as well as combination of these formats intended for use by teachers and students.
Learning resources can be categorized as follows:
a. Place or the surrounding natural environment that is anywhere ne can perform learning or behavior change process such as libraries, markets, museums, rivers, mountains, landfills, pond and other fish.
b. Objects that allow the change of behavior for students. For example sites, temples, other relics.
c. People that is people who have particular expertise in which learners can learn something, then that question can be categorized as a learning resource. For example a teacher, geologist, police and other experts.
d. Material that is everything that a written text, print, electronic recordings, web, etc, that can be used for learning.
e. The book is all sorts of books that can be read independently by students. E.g. text books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, fiction, etc.
f. Events and facts that are happening, such as riots, catastrophic events, and other events that teacher can make the events or facts.
Learning resource will be meaningful if the students and teacher organize the learning resources into one designed which allows someone to utilize as learning resources. If it doesn’t work so the environment, people, book, will be nothing or meaningless. As a teacher we should be able to develop teaching materials into something interesting so the students will interest in studying the material. We also not only provide single source of teaching materials, but make some variation of that and so many kind of resources.

4. Developing and Implementing Apperception
Apperception is students’ readiness to learn, to do anything, or something. Apperception is used by teachers prior to entering the teaching material. Apperception is useful to help students recall material that has been taught before and links t further material, at this stage of apperception usually the teachers will build a students knowledge to be able to accept new knowledge. Apperception is really important for teacher to prepare the classroom, so the teacher also knows the classroom is ready or not achieve the new knowledge.
And for the students it also help, they can remember the previous material. In apperception material needed to interpret the responses of new, well that’s why learners should have some knowledge before going to school, because it has not made a good job of teachers to arrange them according to certain categories and expand and deepen in all subjects. Past experiences are often incomplete and can always be refined, so keep reorganized.
Apperception means the appreciation of all thins is the basis accepts new ideas. In general, the function of apperception in learning activities is to bring the word students into the world of teachers. That is, to relate what is already known or in naturally with what will be learned, so that students are motivated to keep learning perception could be story, songs pictures, flash animations, video, video flash, etc.

5. Developing and Implementing various Method of Teaching
Use a variation of teaching is to entice students to better concentrate on the lessons given by teachers. These objectives may include:
1. Improving and maintaining student’s attention to relevant of teaching and learning.
2. Provide opportunities functioning possible motivation.
3. Forming a positive attitude toward teachers and school.
4. Offers you the possibility choice and individual learning facility.
5. Encouraging learners to learn.
As teacher we must make some various method in learning process, it used so the students interest in learning. There are so many kind method of teaching. Not only just lecturing, explaining, giving task, giving examples, giving suggestion, and etc. But make the students can really understand what the material it is, they can achieve the material and construct their own knowledge, another method of teaching is like giving some quiz with games, make a group discussion, etc. Teachers must be some facilitator for the students, and master in three skills that is methods, media, and approaches. Variations method of teaching includes variations in teaching style, variations in media and materials, variations interaction.
A variation in teaching style includes variations of noise, variation movement of limbs, and the variation of the displacement of teacher in the classroom. For students, the variations are seen as an energetic, excited, and all have relevance to learning outcomes. Behavior of such teachers in the learning process will make dynamic system in the class, enhance communication between teachers and students, help the students to receive the materials, and provide stimulation.
Variations in media and materials are used because every child has sensory capabilities not as good as hearing and vision, but also the ability to speak. There are children who love to read, there are love to listening first the read or vice-versa.

6. Developing and Implementing Teaching Aids
Teaching aids is a learning media that contain or bring the concepts and characteristic that it brought. The main functions of teaching aids are to decrease some abstract concepts, so the students can achieve the real meaning of the material. With a vision, touch, and manipulate the objects/ teaching aids, the students would have some real experiences in the new life and know the real meaning of the concepts. There are so many kinds of teaching aids, for the example board, books, pencil, chalk, stick, and etc.
Teaching aids is some tool in teaching so that students can better understand the material described. As a teacher we should be able to make the props into interesting and make the students can easily grasp and understand the material taught by the teacher.
The role of teaching aids mentioned as follows: (a) visual aids can make education more effective by increasing students enthusiasm for learning, (b) teaching aids allow more appropriate to an individual, where students learn with a lot of possibilities so that learning takes place is very pleasant for each individual, (c) allows teaching aids to learns faster and become consistent between classes outside the classroom, (d) teaching aids allows more systematic and orderly. (Anonim)
By looking at the role of teaching aids, teaching in math lesson is most in need of props, because in this lesson students depart from the abstract to be translated into concrete. Teaching aids it can be we make it by self or some program, or something made in factory.

7. Developing and Implementing Various Interaction
There are any two kinds of interaction in the classroom, that is interaction between teachers and students, and interaction between students and students. The patterns between teacher and students are often to see in the teaching process. A good teacher is teacher who gives their students opportunity to express their opinions. To stimulate students to be active to express opinions or ask questions, the need to hold the variation pattern of interaction between teachers and students.
The interaction between students and teacher can clearly see when there are any small groups of students and through the submission of several question teacher can have some interaction, or with several question teachers can also talk to the students individually. Teacher must create some situations which the students can take their children exchanging opinions though personal appearance, demonstration, or discussion. The interaction between students and teacher communication is a process carried out reciprocally in conveying the message to the students. Interaction is not independent of the communication elements, namely involving the communicator component, communicant, barely, and the media. All four of these elements will give birth to the so-called feedback interactions.
The interactions between student and student will help the student to discuss and express their mind. With this the slowest students will help by the smart one because usually the slowest have problem with the explanation of the teacher and with the help by the smart students the slowest will help by the explanation of the material.

8. Developing and Implementing Small Group Discussion
In this method small group discussion is one of the various methods of teaching, this method is helping the students to express their own thinking, and they can discussion each other what they thinking about the material. For the teacher it can make some interaction to talk individually to the students or in small group.
Usually small group contains 3-4 students each group. With this method teacher can not dominate the students, the students can brainstorm in the discussion, demonstration without any help from teacher. So this pattern of interaction between students and teacher will become so various.
In this small group discussion, teacher just gives some problems and give the task to the students to solve the problems by discussion. With that teacher can know how far they achieve the material, and how they solve the problems by their own way and thinking. So with the group discussion there are so many kind of advantage to do this method, even by teacher or by students.

9. Developing and Implementing Student’s Presentation/ Reflection
This method is usually used when the students have finished their task even by themselves or by group discussion. This really important to know what the students thinking in their mind, and make the students express their own mind thinking. This method is also helping the student not only to express their opinion but also train their self- confidence to speak in the crowd or in front of other students.
Students presentation/ reflection is making some possibility of allowing the proper functioning of motivation in learning, motivation plays a very important, because without the motivation of a students will not do the learning activities. In teaching and learning in the classroom, not every students in his ad that his own sense of waning to know more of the materials given by the teachers. So with the reflection by the students teacher can really know what have the students gave in the classroom. Teacher know if their serious or not.
With a presentation or reflection students have some time to discuss their opinion and think more clearly and prepare some information that they have get. Teacher can have seen various opinions of the students and some way the students solve the problems or explain the material. With that hope other students can really understand if they friend explaining the material.

10. Developing and Implementing the Cognitive Scheme (the Scheme for the Students to achieve their competencies)
The important thing of the cognitive scheme is to find out how the students can really understand what the material is and achieve the competencies. In this stage teacher can make some quiz or several question can be asked to the students suddenly. In this stage teacher can also used the worksheet to test the students.
This stage is really important because the teacher must know how far the students achieve the material and it will make the method of teaching by teacher are succeed or not. If the result almost of the students achieve and understand about the material is means that teacher have succeed become a facilitator for the students.
Developing and implementing of the cognitive scheme teacher must make the students focus on thinking or mental process, not just the result. In addition to the truth of the answer of students, teacher must understand the process used so that children arrive at the answer. Stresses the role of students in their own initiative and active involvement in learning activities, teaching knowledge is not under pressure, but children are encouraged to find their own knowledge through spontaneous interaction with the environment. And also teacher must tolerate the existence f individual differences in terms of progress the development.

11. Developing and Implementing Students Conclusion
Students need to explain and justify their thinking and learn how to detect fallacies and critical thinking. They need to have sample opportunity to apply their reasoning skills and justify their thinking in mathematical discussion. In learning process if mathematics students must have explained, asses their own thinking, and learn how to detect the error in thinking. In this stage students can really express their opinion and what they are thinking. Usually this method will explain by the students when the students get some problems and then they discuss with other, express their opinion, and then make the conclusion what they thinking. And also they can make some conclusion of the material which given by the teachers.
With this, teacher can also know how far they get the material, how understand they get the material, and also can make the cognitive scheme. In this stage hopes the students can adaptive the reasoning capacity for logical thought, refection, explanation, and justification. So students have the competencies to make some conclusion in logical thinking, and can expository the answer, give some explanation with concepts and procedure of answer which is used and have a mathematical answer. Students also have some adaptive reasoning refers to capability to think logically about the relationships among concepts and situations. Such reasoning is correct and valid, stems from careful consideration of alternative, and includes knowledge of how to justify the conclusions.
The student’s conclusion usually has in the discussion, so the teacher must make some opportunity or big opportunity to express their reasoning with mathematics discussion. With this students can account explained and justify every answer they give so they can achieve the goal of learning optimize.

12. Discussion and Implementing Assessments
The purpose of giving the task is to provide exercises and application of skills, concepts and principles of mathematics that has been given to learning in the classroom; as an initial guide for students to entering the new concepts and new principles that will be given to learning, to conduct trials of matters of abstract; to recall the material in preparation for quizzes, tests, and other types of evaluation; as a diagnostic tools.
The assessment can be given as task which doing in the class or homework. With some task hopes can make the students to more independent, creative and responsible. But the meaning of a given the task for the students is not only to give some exercise or homework to do, but to know how far the capability of the students. With this assessment students can have some experiences to do some materials, so when they meet some exams they can prepare the materials. Tasks also give some opportunity to students to understandings the materials; give some opportunity to show their knowledge and their own thinking. With exercise students has ready to have the new materials or next materials. Giving the task also have some disadvantages that is teachers have some difficulties to control the students that the task is really do by their own or other person, especially in group task there are some students who do not active to solve the problems, is not easy to giving the task with the level of intelligence every students, if teacher often give some monotonous task students will get bored, and we don’t know that all the students has really understand about the materials.

From those 12 ways to managing the teaching learning process, it can help teachers to change their mind and make some new paradigm to change the traditional method into the new on, for example by constructive learning methods. Teachers can help by that to have some reference and information how to handle their classroom and leave the old methods that really bored for the students, and make the students not develop. With the new methods and new paradigm the students can freely express their own thinking and can be more evolve. If teacher can construct the student’s knowledge and make the students achieve the materials, it means the teacher has succeeded to produce the students that can implement mathematics in the daily life, and make the students to not scary to mathematics.

Minggu, 25 September 2011


By :Dr. Marsigit M.A
Resume by:Dessy R. Fitriyani (09313244026)
Date :Sunday, 25 September 2011
Blog :dessypoenya.blogspot.com

Mathematics learning should be offered an opportunity for teachers to use the choice of teaching methods that are tailored to the level of ability students and materials as follows: (1)
method of exposition by the teacher (2) method of discussion, between teachers and pupils and between pupils and students (3) methods of solving problems (problem solving) (4) method of discovery (investigation) (5) basic skills training methods and principles (6) methods of implementation.

More active learning in mathematics and varied how to improve student learning interests
mathematics and developing tools figure are a manner of mathematics learning method.
Ebbutt and Straker (1995: 10-63), provides guidance for teachers of mathematics in an effort to encourage the students enjoyed math in school. The guidance provided is based on basic assumptions about the nature of mathematics and the nature of the subject and its implications for student learning of mathematics as follows: (1) Mathematics is the search activity patterns and relationships (2) Mathematics is the creativity that requires imagination, intuition and invention (3) Mathematics is problem solving activities (4) Mathematics is a tool to communicate.

On the other hand, Ebbutt and Straker (1995: 60-75), gave his view so that potential students can be developed optimally, then the following assumptions and implications can be used as a reference: (1) Pupils will learn if given the motivation (2) Pupils studying in its own way (3) Students learn independently and through cooperation (4) Pupils need the context and circumstances that vary in their learning.


By :Dr. Marsigit M.A
Resume by:Dessy R. Fitriyani (09313244026)
Date :Sunday, 25 September 2011
Blog :dessypoenya.blogspot.com

Civilizing mathematics in the school have comprehension aspects about the nature of mathematics, school mathematics, mathematics education, mathematics value, mathematics study, mathematics learning, and the nature of civilizing school mathematics. Everything we talked about, absolutely there are two things are related, that is what is the object and what is the method. Therefore, object of mathematics is concrete things, picture, cube model, symbol of number, pyramid, right triangle, circle, and so on. Based on them, we know that the object of mathematics is in our environment.
The nature of mathematics become abstract, general, formal, objective, rasional based on content and method of formal mathematics. Moreover, the nature of learning mathematics is relate subjective knowledge and mathematics objective through social interaction to study and represent current science. To learn mathematics objective science, the students need to develop procedure. Through the procedure, students will get mathematics concept which actualized respectively. In the other hand, sometime subjective knowledge of mathematics accord to objective knowledge. To investigate, how the students have a corresponding between subjective and objective knowledge of mathematics, they can be given a chance to do publication activity. In the fact, mathematics publication activity can be an assignment from teacher, homework, making paper, also can be an examination.
Sosial interaction between students and teachers will give criticism to correct mathematics concept, so the students will get right concept. Futhermore, the nature of studying mathematics must be indicated with relation between objective and subjective knowledge of mathematics. Then, through “social negotiation processes”, civilize reconstruction of mathematics learning indicate that the new knowledge about mathematics can be in social scope or individual scope.
Civilizing mathematics through learning and communication of mathematics is important for students to be a golden nation. The effort to civilize mathematics in the school should using dimension of material mathematics or in transition dimension go to formal mathematics. Starting civilize mathematics in the school with redefine the nature of mathematics to the students. Then, civilizing mathematics can stress on relation among human and appreciate the individual difference. In this case, the students are regarded as progress human. And mathematics is regarded more humane, we can regard it as a language, human creativity, etc. Beside that, students have a chance to maintain and develop their abilities. So, everyone need difference chance, action, ang facilities in learning mathematics. In this case, the teacher be facilitator in learning process and the students are center of learning process. And about supervising is did by assesment approach, prtofolio, or autenthic assesment.
Then, about the basic element of hermenetics of civilizing mathematics can be define as an activity to communicate mathematics in many dimension. Communication can be more vital form from potensial relational among subject and subject, subject and object or object and object. There are many kinds of communication of mathematics, there are material communication of mathematics, formal communication of math, normative communication of math, and spiritual communication of math.
Civilize mathematics to get predominance nation can be got through inovation of mathematics learning in school continually. From this paper, we can conclude that to civilize mathematics is needed understanding of the nature of mathematics in many dimensions. To be a predominance nation, then we can think mathematics, mathematics learning also mathematics education in many hierarchy.


By :Dr. Marsigit M.A
Resume by:Dessy R. Fitriyani (09313244026)
Date :Friday, 23 September 2011
Blog :dessypoenya.blogspot.com

Saat ini studi tentang matematika dan ilmu pengetahuan di Indonesia telah mengindikasikan bahwa prestasi anak-anak dalam mata pelajaran matematika dan ilmu pengetahuan rendah, seperti yang ditunjukkan dari nilai EBTANAS dari tahun ke tahun baik di SD dan SMP. Penguasaan anak-anak di bidang matematika pada konsep dan keterampilan proses masih rendah. Hal ini mungkin sebagai hasil dari kurangnya kegiatan laboratorium, guru kurang memiliki penguasaan ilmu keterampilan pendekatan proses, kurikulum pada matematika dan ilmu pengetahuan terlalu banyak, ketentuan administrasi terlalu banyak memakan waktu bagi guru, kurangnya peralatan dan sumber daya manusia laboratorium. Penelitian juga menunjukkan ketidakcocokan antara tujuan pendidikan, kurikulum, dan sistem evaluasi.
Dalam hal ini guru matematika dan ilmu pengetahuan di sekolah ditemukan bahwa, mereka perlu meningkatkan kualifikasi diri mereka, banyak dari mereka tidak berasal dari bidang matematika dan ilmu pengetahuan, tidak ada sistem evaluasi untuk guru, sehingga sekali menjadi guru, mereka akan menjadi guru sampai pensiun.
Untuk meningkatkan matematika dan ilmu pendidikan di Indonesia dibangun Kerjasama Teknis JICA Proyek Pengembangan Ilmu dan Pengajaran Matematika Pendidikan di Indonesia (IMSTEP) yang telah bekerja sejak 1 Oktober 1998. Kegiatan IMSTEP dilakukan untuk meningkatkan praktek di sekolah. Uji coba didefinisikan dengan kegiatan pengembangan dan mencoba beberapa model mengajar di sekolah. Para dosen dan guru bekerja bersama-sama di sekolah untuk mengembangkan model pengajaran yang dibutuhkan di lapangan. Strategi dasar untuk uji coba adalah mempromosikan paradigma baru matematika dan ilmu pengetahuan pendidikan. Tujuan uji coba adalah untuk memberikan kontribusi terhadap peningkatan pendidikan matematika dan ilmu pengetahuan di sekolah dengan mencoba beberapa hal yang dikembangkan dalam proyek ini yang langsung berhubungan dengan sekolah. Kegiatan uji coba dilakukan melalui tindakan kelas penelitian kolaborasi antara dosen dan guru.
Guru yang terlibat dalam kegiatan uji coba ini harus berpikir dan mengembangkan cara-cara baru tentang bagaimana membiarkan siswa belajar dan membangun konsep-konsep mereka sendiri. Oleh karena itu, kreativitas mereka meningkat. Guru telah bersabar untuk mulai lebih banyak dari "paradigma guru berpusat" untuk "siswa berpusat paradigma". Hasil kegiatan uji coba ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pengajaran matematika dan ilmu pengetahuan di Indonesia.

Title :PEMANFAATAN VIDEO TAPE RECORDER (VTR) UNTUK PENGEMBANGAN MATEMATIKA REALISTIK DI SMP By :Dr. Marsigit M.A Resume by:Dessy R. Fitriyani (09313244026) Date :Friday, 23 September 2011 Blog :dessypoenya.blogspot.com Realistic mathematics emphasize on construction of concrete things context to understand mathematics easily for students especially for Junior High School. Like an statement by Hans Freudental (Sugiman: 2007), that mathematics is human activities and must be related with facts in our life. So, when the students are learning mathematics, its mean that there are mathematics process which related with their life. There are two kinds of mathematics process, (1) do mathematics horizontally its mean process how to change from the real life into mathematics symbol and (2) do mathematics vertical having definition that is the process which happen on independent mathematics system. Then, if we look at the teacher, how the teacher’s effort to get some ideas about concrete things and also enviromental object that can be used in mathematics learning process. Study and analysis about mathematics learning which recorded in Video Tape Recorder (VTR) is one of the way can be done by the teachers to develop realistic mathematics. There are many advantages that can develop teacher’s abilities by VTR. With VTR, the teachers should be learn how to make learning process in Junior High School accord to realistic mathematics principle, how to develop source of learning and also how to apply realistic mathematics in mathematics learning process. Futhermore, as a teacher should develop mathematics learning process with realistic mathematics principle, especially for students in Junior High School. There are four steps to apply realistic mathematics (Zulkardi, 2004), that is: introduction, creation and development symbol model, explanation and reason, and the last is closing or application. Four steps above must be reflected in mathematics learning process. Especially after we talk about realistic mathematics, now we talk about use of Video Tape Recorder (VTR) to develop realistic mathematics in Junior High School. As an statement by Mr. Isoda, M (2006) about the benefit of VTR is VTR (Video Tape Recorder) for teacher education and reform movement in mathematics education, specifically for developing lesson study has some benefits as: a) short summary of the lesson with emphasis on major problems in the lesson, b) components of the lesson and main events in the class, and c) possible issues for discussion and reflection with teachers observing the lesson. VTR can be applied in many chapter of mathematics when learning process, for example VTR on Geometry, VTR on fraction learning, and so on. VTR can load and show how the students discover something on mathematics learning. Moreover, VTR also can show and describe how the students apply their knowledge to make something like how to get an simple formula from the difficult formula. Absolutely, all of mathematics learning models which are recorded in VTR have excess and deficiency. So, for the teachers should discuss it to get a recent knowledge and science by compare with their experiences. Beside that, VTR also have deficiency, for example is limited on point if view, some aspect on learning process can’t be recorded on VTR, then for picture quality and shooting the picture of learning process maybe can’t focus. The conclusion is VTR can be used to develop realistic mathematics learning process by the teacher to make the students understand mathematics easily. Finally, that VTR give many advantages to the teacher in mathematics learning process.

By :Dr. Marsigit M.A
Resume by:Dessy R. Fitriyani (09313244026)
Date :Friday, 23 September 2011
Blog :dessypoenya.blogspot.com

Realistic mathematics emphasize on construction of concrete things context to understand mathematics easily for students especially for Junior High School. Like an statement by Hans Freudental (Sugiman: 2007), that mathematics is human activities and must be related with facts in our life. So, when the students are learning mathematics, its mean that there are mathematics process which related with their life. There are two kinds of mathematics process, (1) do mathematics horizontally its mean process how to change from the real life into mathematics symbol and (2) do mathematics vertical having definition that is the process which happen on independent mathematics system.
Then, if we look at the teacher, how the teacher’s effort to get some ideas about concrete things and also enviromental object that can be used in mathematics learning process. Study and analysis about mathematics learning which recorded in Video Tape Recorder (VTR) is one of the way can be done by the teachers to develop realistic mathematics. There are many advantages that can develop teacher’s abilities by VTR. With VTR, the teachers should be learn how to make learning process in Junior High School accord to realistic mathematics principle, how to develop source of learning and also how to apply realistic mathematics in mathematics learning process.
Futhermore, as a teacher should develop mathematics learning process with realistic mathematics principle, especially for students in Junior High School. There are four steps to apply realistic mathematics (Zulkardi, 2004), that is: introduction, creation and development symbol model, explanation and reason, and the last is closing or application. Four steps above must be reflected in mathematics learning process.
Especially after we talk about realistic mathematics, now we talk about use of Video Tape Recorder (VTR) to develop realistic mathematics in Junior High School. As an statement by Mr. Isoda, M (2006) about the benefit of VTR is VTR (Video Tape Recorder) for teacher education and reform movement in mathematics education, specifically for developing lesson study has some benefits as: a) short summary of the lesson with emphasis on major problems in the lesson, b) components of the lesson and main events in the class, and c) possible issues for discussion and reflection with teachers observing the lesson.
VTR can be applied in many chapter of mathematics when learning process, for example VTR on Geometry, VTR on fraction learning, and so on. VTR can load and show how the students discover something on mathematics learning. Moreover, VTR also can show and describe how the students apply their knowledge to make something like how to get an simple formula from the difficult formula. Absolutely, all of mathematics learning models which are recorded in VTR have excess and deficiency. So, for the teachers should discuss it to get a recent knowledge and science by compare with their experiences. Beside that, VTR also have deficiency, for example is limited on point if view, some aspect on learning process can’t be recorded on VTR, then for picture quality and shooting the picture of learning process maybe can’t focus.
The conclusion is VTR can be used to develop realistic mathematics learning process by the teacher to make the students understand mathematics easily. Finally, that VTR give many advantages to the teacher in mathematics learning process.

Sabtu, 17 September 2011

Revitalisasi Pendidikan Matematika

Title : Revitalisasi Pendidikan Matematika
By : Dr. Marsigit, M.A
Ikhtisar Oleh : Dessy R. Fitriyani (09313244026)
Date : Saturday, 17 September 2011

According to the survey (Marsigit, 1996: 123-133) stated that some of primary and secondary mathematics teachers have not enough references to support their mathematics teaching practices. Global trend of the notion of good practice of mathematics teaching tends to acknowledge that the students should be the center of teaching learning processes. References show that teacher center and student center have different implication to all aspects of the teaching. The paradigm of “transfer of knowledge” is perceived not to be appropriate with the need for developing the students. Instead of this, many educationists strive to deeply examine on”developing” as new paradigm. Progressivisms perceive that in order to be able to develop their students the role of the teachers should be changed from being a transmitter to be the facilitator.

Revitalization of trying to put role of mathematics education teachers to realize the importance of mathematics education more in line with (returned to) educate in the sense of meaning in truth and substance science which is the object of learning itself. Revitalization of mathematics education should depart from the self-reflection of individual educators and factual conditions of practice learning. Reflection will thus be useful to know the positive aspects as well deficiencies/weaknesses to be used as input to determine the step or attitude toward the new paradigm in education for later trying to implement into practice the truth.

Mathematics is associated with all the knowledge of the human self, then it is clear that mathematics is not neutral and value free. Mathematics can be divide into 4 (four) types, in where each has different characteristics:
a. Formal mathematics-pure including mathematics developed in the university and taught mathematics in schools;
b. Formal mathematics, namely that developed in education and outside, like a statistician who worked in the industry.
c. Informal-pure mathematics, it is mathematics developed outside educational institutions; may be attached to the culture of pure mathematics.
d. Informal mathematics, applied mathematics that is used in all everyday life, including crafts, office work and trade.

Revitalization f mathematics education contains also understanding the need to attempt to formulate a mathematical model of learning considered in accordance with our conditions and in accordance with the demands of changing times.
Ebbut and Straker (1995: 10-63) gives guidelines for the revitalization of mathematics education in the form of basic assumptions and implications for learning mathematics as follows:
1. Mathematics is the search activity patterns and relationships.
2. Mathematics is the creativity that requires imagination, intuition and discovery.
3. Mathematics us problem solving activities.
4. Mathematics is a tool to communicate.
5. Mathematics teaching materials include:
- Facts
- Understanding (concepts)
- Skills algorithms
- Reasoning skills
- Problem-solving skills
- Skills investigation (investigation)

Revitalization of mathematics education in an effort in the direction where the practitioner’s mathematics education are given the opportunity to conduct self-reflection, for then faced with multi-entry decision on the basis of the attitude of the in-depth study towards a new paradigm has to offer. Recognized that is not easy to realize revitalization of education without the awareness and greatness of soul both the macro and micro-world of our education.
The teachers are better able to realize the revitalization of the (educational) learning mathematics that fosters the creativity of students, referring to the recommendation
Cockroft Report (1982) as well as the elaboration of Ebbut, S and Straker, A (1995), the following is a suggestion that might be useful for teachers in conducting learning mathematics, through the preparation phase, learning phase, and phase evaluation.

Pengembangan Blog sebagai Portofolio Digital untuk Peningkatan Daya Matematika

Title : Pengembangan Blog sebagai Portofolio Digital untuk Peningkatan Daya Matematika
By : Dr. Marsigit, M.A. , Bambang SHM, Mkom, dan Kuswari Hernawati, Mkom
Resume by : Dessy R. Fitriyani (09313244026)
Date : Saturday, 17 September 2011

This paper is contain of some research with the object of research are multiuser blog software (WordPress), Students of Mathematics Education, Material subject which research team has lecture in that subject. The research start from May 2009 until November 2009 with the research location is Jurdik Computer Laboratory of Mathematics FMIPA UNY. Other institution which involved is UNY Puskom which will provide facilities UNY Internet network that will provide Internet network facilities and webhosting blog multiuser.
The target of the research are founding blog multiuser as a form of utilization of alternative uses of open source software in the learning process, the formation of faculty and students in appreciation use legal software, cheap and reliable, establishment of a model portofolio for the course is ready implemented in teaching and learning, increase power of mathematics as a result of implementation of the blog as digital portofolio, sharing information (written communication) among students and dosen.
In education, the digital portfolio is a documentation system which includes all sorts of results activity and reflection that can indicate a change or developments conditions or circumstances or individual potential. According to Barret (2004) that the most important components of the digital portofolio is a reflection of education individual study indicated partial or the entire document portofolio.
Mathematics resources:
a. Mathematical communication
b. Mathematical reasoning
c. Mathematical problem solving
d. Mathematical connections
e. Positive attitude toward mathematics

The Effort to Increase the Student’s Motivation in Mathematics learning with Some Teachig Aids in Junior High School 5 Wates, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Title : The Effort to Increase the Student’s Motivation in Mathematics learning with Some Teachig Aids in Junior High School 5 Wates, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
By : Dr. Marsigit, M.A dan Ida Supami
Ikhtisar oleh : Dessy R. Fitriyani (09313244026)
Hari/Tanggal : Sabtu, 17 September 2011

Salah satu upaya guru dalam meningkatkan motivasi siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika di Sekolah Menengah Pertama adalah dengan membuat proses belajar mengajar matematika menjadi menyenangkan, menarik dan terhubung dengan kebutuhan sehari-hari. Dengan memaksimalkan (optimalisasi) penggunaan beberapa alat bantu pengajaran dan alat untuk demonstrasi diharapkan dapat membantu proses abstraksi siswa, yakni kesulitan siswa dalam belajar.
Dalam paper ini dituliskan mengenai penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengatasi masalah yang ditemukan di kelas 2 SMP 5 Wates, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini adalah memilih dan menggunakan alat bantu mengajar yang digunakan sebagi model pembelajaran dan pengajaran matematika melalui tindakan kelas. Tujuan dari peneitian ini adalah untuk memilih dan menggunakan alat bantu pengajaran yang dipaku/dipasang dipapan seperti, tangan karet, kartu, lembar kerja siswa berupa simpul kertas, kertas trasparan, benang sipat, tiga bialh kayu, yang semuanya dapat digunakan sebagai model dalam proses belajar mengajar untuk meningkatkan motivasi siswa dalam belajar matematika.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memilih dan menggunakan alat bantu pengajaran yang beberapa diantaranya digunakan sebagai model pembelajaran matematika untuk meningkatkan motivasi siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penelitian tindakan dengan menggunakan beberapa pengajaran dengan alat bantu menunjukkan bahwa keaktifan siswa dalam melakukan peningkatan worksheet sesi jawab pertanyaan dan diskusi banyak siswa yang bertanya dan lebih aktif.
Keberhasilan proses belajar mengajar di Matematika tidak jauh dari peran guru sebagai infomator, komunikator, dan fasilitator. Karena itu guru harus membuat pelajaran matematka menjadi hal yang menarik dan tidak lagi meyeramkan untuk siswa.
Di paper ini dijelaskan bahwa metode mengajar dengan menggunakan alat bantu sangat bermanfaat dalam meningatkan motivasi siswa belajar matematika. Dengan alat bantu belajar siswa, hasil pengamatan meperlihatkan minat siswa sangat tinggi dengan keaktifan siswa dalam mengerjakan lembar kerja siswa dan mengacungkan tangan mereka baik di dalam kelas maupun di luar kelas. Jadi para guru harus menggunakan metode yang variatif dan selalu menggunakan batuan demonstrasi optimal untuk menjelaskan konsep, ide, definisi atau prosedur tertentu.

Rabu, 14 September 2011

Title : The Iceberg Approach of Learning Fractions in Junior High School:
Teachers’ Simulations of Prior to Lesson Study Activities
By : Dr. Marsigit, M.A
Ikhtisar oleh : Dessy R. Fitriyani (09313244026)
Hari/Tanggal : Rabu/ 14 September 2011

Standar Nasional Matematika Pengajaran di Indonesia adalah kompetensi minimum yang harus dilakukan oleh siswa, meliputi afektif, kognitif dan psikomotor kompetensi. Ini berarti bahwa pemerintah mendorong para guru untuk mengembangkan kecakapan hidup siswa dengan menggunakan lingkungan optimal untuk mendukung kegiatan siswa. Matematika di Sekolah SMP memiliki perusahaan berfungsi untuk mendorong siswa untuk berpikir logis, analitis, sistematis, kritis, kreatif dan mampu berkolaborasi dengan orang lain.
Dalam matematika dasar para siswa diharapkan dapat memiliki kesempatan untuk mengidentifikasi matematika kontekstual dan realistis. Sehingga dalam memecahkan masalah, siswa dapat aktif dan kreatif mengembangkan banyak cara alternative untuk mengembangkan model matematika dan memperkirakan hasilnya. Pendekatan kontekstual dan realitisa adalah pengajaran yang perlu dikembangkan oleh guru utuk mendorong pemikiran matematika di sekolah dasar. Guru juga perlu mengembangkan sumber daya ajar seperti alat bantu, teknologi dan media lainya untuk membuat pengajaran menjadi lebih efektif dan antusias terhadap pelajaran.
1. Matematika realistik
Menurut Zulkardi matematika harus dekat degan anak dan relevan dengan situasi kehidupan sehari-hari dan kata ‘realistis’ senditi bukan hanya koneksi dengan dunia nyata tapi juga mengacu pada masalah yang ada pada pikiran siswa.
Dua jenis dari matematisasi yang dirumuskan secara eksplisit dalam konteks pendidikan oleh Treffers, 1987 di Zulkardi 2006 adalah horizontal dan vertical matematik. Dalam horizontal matematika, para siswa datang dengan alat-alat matematika yang dapat membantu untuk mengatur dan memecahkan masalah terletak dalam situasi kehidupan nyata. Contoh dari horizontal matematika adalah mengeidentifikasi atau menjelaskan matematika spesifik dalam konteks umum, skemating, merumuskan dan mengvisualisasikan masalah dengan cara yang berbeda, dll.
Sedangkan, matematika vertical adalah proses reorganisasi dalam sistem matematika itu sendiri.

Gambar di atas ini adalah pendekatan ‘Gunung Es’ sebagai titik awal urutan belajar yang memberikan pengalaman nyata kepada siswa sehingga mereka melibatkan langsung dalm kegiatan matematika pribadi. Pendekatan ini harus digunakan melalui potensi belajar urutan
2. Pengajaran Fraksi
Emilie Naiser A.,dkk (2009) menunjukkan bahwa dalam pecahan guru perlu:
1. Memastikan siswa telah menguasai keterampilan prasayarat untuk tugas yang harus dipelajari
2. Memperkenalkan instruksi keterampilan tugas yang akan dipelajari dengan demonstrasi yang singkat dan jelas.
3. Memperkenalkan bahan ajar yang konkret sebelum melanjutkan ke masalah semi-konkret dan kemudian abstrak.
4. Memastikan contoh dari bahan ajar memberikan kesempatan berlatih agar siswa cukup menguasai penyelesaian masalah.
5. Memastikan contoh-contoh pengajaran termasuk dari semua jenis masalah dan bervariasi.
6. Memberikan instruksi yang sisematis tentang diskriminasi antara jenis masalah yang berbeda agar memungkinkan siswa mengetahui solusi mana yang harus digunakan.
7. Mengadakan kegiatan praktek yang dipandu (mengikuti demonstrasi guru) sebelum bekerja secara independen ( yaitu, guru dan siswa bekerja dalam beberapa masalah).
Dalam mengembangkan model ‘gunung es’ dalam mengajar, para guru diharapkan untuk membuat siswa cenderung memikirkan pecahan tidak hanya sebagai angka, tetapi juga proporsi atau bilangan rasional. Meskipun dengan model ‘gunung es’ siswa dapat membangun konsep-konsep mereka sendiri mengenai pecahan, tetapi masih ada kesulitan bagi siswa untuk memecahkan masalah yang diungkapkan secara simbolis, namun mampu memecahkan masalah dalam dunia nyata. Para guru menemukan bahwa materi pecahan akan menjadi tugas yang abstrak dan sulit bagi siswa, namun mereka juga menemukan model ‘gunung es’ merupakan pendekatan yang sangat penting dan berguna untuk mengajar pecahan di SMP.

Minggu, 11 September 2011


Title : UNIVERSITAS NEGERI YOGYAKARTA MENUJU PERGURUAN TINGGI BERTARAF INTERNASIONAL (PTBI) “Yogyakarta State University in the move toward World Class University”
BY : Dr. Marsigit, MA
Resume By : Dessy R. Fitriyani (09313244026)
Hari/Tanggal : Sabtu, 10 September 2011

Yogyakarta state university toward international standard can be provided through two approaches, namely a formal approach and the approach of substantive. Formal approach makes position of UNY in social life among many universities in Indonesia, interactions among universities in the world, and particularly the role UNY as a former LPTK. In the midst of euphoria to the international level, UNY faced with two phenomenons that spans the two sides / ends that have not synergistic. First, UNY have an obligation to support government policy to develop the schools SBI / RSBI, and thus the UNY must also take steps towards international universities. Second, UNY presented to the various criteria for ranking world universities, and in fact much of UNY still ranked. In order to improve the quality of service and learning, enhance the image.
UNY in the community, as well as the implementation of internationalization UNY; working units in UNY has implemented ISO 9001:2000 certification program. All faculties in UNY, all institutions, all the bureaus, UPT Library, as well as several departments in the faculty have obtained ISO 9001:2000 quality management certificates. In terms of cooperation, UNY already have a good relationship with stakeholders that include government agencies, business and industry, schools, universities, and professional certification body and related organizations in the form of MoU in both home and abroad.
State University of Yogyakarta to the World Class University is a business Yogyakarta State University conducted its whole organization and components of the civitas to achieve academic excellence of international standards in the field of Teaching and Education Program, Research and Publication, as well as Organization and Management Education.
Realizing the State University of Yogyakarta be a World Class University who has working culture system that meets international standards in conducting Tridharma Higher Education so as to produce graduates who are qualified and excel in global world. Planning and implementation of programs to prepare and encourage UNY accomplishment as WCU. The process and results can be accounted for
(Accountability) to stakeholders both locally, nationally and internationally. Continuity (on going activity) to continue and the civilizing process and the results have been achieved. Task Force was formed consisting of various disciplines, committed and experienced in the field of World Class development pilot program University.
Programs WCU
The long term goal is to realize the UNY become an international university with also ranked below 500 universities in the world. Five-year program and the annual WCU program developed and implemented in order to achieve medium-and short-term goal. The programs developed WCU as follows:
a. Development International Standard Department
b. International Standard Curriculum
c. Process teaching and learning of international standards
d. Assessment of Learning Outcomes International Standard
e. Teaching Material and Learning Resources International Standard
f. Qualified Lecturer International Development
g. Employee Development and other Supporting Personnel WCU
h. Infrastructures Supporting World Class University
i. ICT-Based Management in order to support WCU
j. Libraries International Standard to support the WCU
k. Competent International Student Affairs
l. Publication of Scientific Research and International Standard
m. Dedication In the Community (PPM) within the framework of WCU
n. Cooperation and International Exchange

UNY toward international universities have been implementing various program in year 2 (two). These programs are developed off potential activities which have been owned, either individually or institutionally, to UNY towards institutional strengthening of international standards (WCU). Activities include following the delivery of short-course lecturers abroad, acquiring the ability in the field of teaching content through Classic and earned the International Certificate to teach at the International Class. To support the UNY program towards World Class University, it has been initiated embryos international study program that begins with lectures held in English, at least one course in each study program. To support the activities above, UNY also conducts innovative programs for English Language Improvement Programs and Preparation Programs International Level. Number of departments prepared to as much as 9 internationally. Each faculty was asked to select the department with
international standard, so that every faculty rationed a study program which will be funded from
innovative this program. Subsequently, three other departments will compete in the university. In 2009, it has opened two (2) Education is an international class Mathematics and Accounting Education
In the implementation of the WCU program for 2 (two) years found some of the following as conclusions and suggestions: 1) English Ability lecturer in international class still needs to be improved 2) Students need to be given wider opportunities to improve English skills. 3) Explored and developed the need for more intensive to establish cooperation with partner universities. 4) The need to fill or to follow up the MOU agreed to university partners. 5) For the lecturers is still needs enhanced ability to research and publish research results in international journals 6) Existing information systems still need to be improved, including Web development bilingual 7) The need for increased frequency of communication or cooperation between lecturers UNY with faculty partners. 8) Realized the need for joint activities (joint activity) either individually and institutional. 9) The need for support facilities and administrative staff to support the activities WCU. 10) the need for support and understanding among all the civitas UNY looked at the need for WCU. 11) The need for communication and socialization continuously about the nature, WCU direction and purpose. 12) The need for support and formal foundation of the university about developing UNY to the WCU.


Realistic Mathematics emphasizes the construction of the context of concrete objects as a starting point for students to acquire mathematical concepts. Concrete objects and objects of the environment can be used as a context for learning mathematics in building mathematical connections through social interaction.
According to Hans Freudental in Sugiman (2007) mathematics is a human activity (human activities) and must be linked to reality. Thus, when students doing activities to learn math, so in her place begin mathematically process. There are two kinds mathematically, namely: (1) horizontal mathematics and (2) vertical mathematics. Horizontal mathematics proceeds from the real world into mathematical symbols. Broken Numbers in junior high school mathematics learning in 2 (two) sides of the formal position of Aircraft Numbers in the context of curriculum and syllabus, and a review of substantive number rupture itself. In the curriculum development guidelines stated that learning mathematics can be started with an introduction to the problems in accordance with the situation (contextual problems). With propose a contextual problem, learners gradually guided to master math concepts. The purpose of learning fractions in school may be mentioned as follows:
1. Solve problems and find the concept of numbers contextual broke from contextual problems are solved.
2. Understand the concept of numbers broke out, explain the link between concept and apply the concept of numbers broke, flexibly, accurately, efficiently, and appropriately, in solving problems
3. Using the reasoning on the pattern and nature, to manipulate and make generalizations about the numbers break.
4. Communicating the concepts and use numbers broken
5. Have respect for life usability numbers everyday rupture.
Application PMRI
The third type is the type that has a realistic approach to characterize the bottom-up where students develop their own models and then the model is used as the basis for developing formal mathematics. There are two kinds of models that occur in the process is the model of the situation (a model of situation) and for the mathematical model (a model for formal mathematics). In the realistic model emerged from students' informal strategies in response to real problems for later formulated in formal mathematics, this kind of process in accordance with the historical development of mathematics itself (Sugiman, 2007). Implement the four phases of learning models Realistic Mathematics can be described as follows (Zulkardi, 2004).

Development of Mathematics Concepts through "Iceberg" PMRI

Reflecting the above activities in learning the Numbers Fractions through PMRI presumably can be concluded:
1. Students should be given opportunities to explore and reflect on alternative concepts about ideas that affect learning fractions later.
2. Students should be given opportunities to explore and acquire new knowledge about fractions by establishing that knowledge to himself.
3. Students should be given opportunities to acquire knowledge as a process of change that includes the addition, creation, modification, refinement, realignment and rejection.
4. Students should be given opportunities to acquire new knowledge of fractions built by students for itself derived from a set range of experience
5. Students should be given opportunities to understand, work and implement the fractions.
Teachers need to revitalize itself so that:
1. Sat himself as a facilitator
2. Be able to develop an interactive learning
3. Be able to provide the opportunity for students to be active.
4. Able to develop curriculum and syllabus and actively associate curriculum with the real world, both physically and socially.
5. Able to develop learning scenarios:
a. Interaction scheme: Classical, Group Discussion, Individual Activities
b. Scheme Achieving Competency: Motivation, Attitude, Knowledge, Skill, and Experience


Ikhtisar Oleh : DESSY R. FITRIYANI (09313244026)

Pendidikan kejuruan, kadang-kadang disebut Karir dan Pendidikan Teknis yang bertujuan untuk mempersiapkan peserta didik untuk karir yang berbasis di kegiatan manual atau praktis, pekerjaan atau panggilan, maka kadang dikenal sebagai istilah dimana pelajar berpastisipasi. Pendidikan kejuruan biasanya lebih kontras dibandingkan dengan sekolah umum biasanya karena pendidikannya lebih luas di bidang ilmiah, dan bahkan mungkin lebih berkosentrasi pada teori dan konseptual abstrak, serta karakteristik pendidikan tersier.
Pemerintah mulai mendorong dan menginvestasikan masa depan pendidikan kejuruan melalui organisasi pelatihan yang didanai oleh public dan disubsidi, termasuk membangun SBI (Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional). Dan dalam rangka untuk malakukan standar internasional, semacam SBI perlu didukung oleh staf pengajar yang berkualitas dan professional, manajemen yang baik, dan baik staf akademik juga harus dapat melakukan relevansi program, efisiensi, efektif, akuntabilitas dan mempertahankan program.
Faktor kunci keberhasilan proses pembelajaran adalah komunikasi. Dalam hal proses belajar mengajar, guru dapat menggunakan Bahasa Inggris untuk menyelesaikan tugas mengajar, memperkenalkan dan belajar teknologi, mendorong siswa untuk mengkomunikasikan hasil-hasil belajar, mencapai tujuan belajar, dan mengembangkan sumber belajar mengajar.
Berikut ini adalah rekomendasi yang harus dilakukan ketika bahasa Inggris digunakan sebagai bahasa dalam proses belajar mengajar:1) Mengembangkan kurikulum dalam bahasa Inggris, 2) Mengembangkan silabus dalam bahasa Inggris, 3)Pengajaran mengembangkan konten dalam bahasa Inggris, 4) Mengembangkan rencana pelajaran dalam bahasa Inggris, 5) Mengembangkan karya siswa lembar dalam bahasa Inggris, 6) Mengembangkan sistem Evaluasi atau penilaian dalam bahasa Inggris, 7) melakukan seluruh kegiatan mengajar dalam bahasa Inggris, 8) berbagi interaksi dalam bahasa Inggris, 9) berbagi metode mengajar dalam bahasa Inggris, 10) berbagi media pengajaran dalam bahasa Inggris, 11) grup diskusi dalam bahasa Inggris, 12) memfasilitasi belajar siswa dalam bahasa Inggris, 13) mempresentasikan hasil diskusi dalam bahasa Inggris.
Dalam mengembangkan proses belajar-mengajar dalam bahasa Inggris guru perlu memberikan kesempatan bagi rekan-rekan (guru dan siswa); melibatkan siswa aktif dalam dialog yang real, melibatkan siswa dalam tugas-tugas dunia nyata, menciptakan jaringan siswa dan guru, membantu siswa dan guru memahami dan mengembangkan komunikasi dalam TI dan kolaborasi serta keterampilan, menyelidiki jenis tugas yang paling tepat untuk situasi ini, menyelidiki wacana strategi dan interaksi dialogis siswa yang berprestasi, dan mengkompilasi sebuah buku pegangan yang baru untuk interaksi antara guru dan siswa.
Sejalan dengan konsep kompetensi komunikatif, faktor-faktor berikut harus ada dalam pendidikan kejuruan melalui bahasa Inggris: (1) kemampuan berbahasa inggris dapat dipedulikan oleh guru, (2) interaksi dengan siswa lain melalui komunikasi mengajar konten teknis dalam bahasa inggris (3) siswa harus diberi kesempatan cukup untuk mengembangkan konten pengajaran , (4) peran guru tidak hanya untuk memfasilitasi komunikasi knten tetapi juga untuk memfasilitasi bahasa Inggris sebagai alat komunikasi (5) guru harus dapat mendorong siswa untuk membiasakan berbicara bahasa Inggris dalam setiap kesempatan, (6) guru perlu mengembangkan media dan alat bantu pengajaran yang mendukung baik isi pengajaran dan Inggris.



Pada tahun akademik 2006/2007 pemerintah Indonesia berusaha untuk mengambil tindakan untuk menerapkan sekolah berbasis kurikulum baru untuk pendidikan dasar dan menengah. Sejak 1968/1969, pendekatan yang lebih sistematis untuk mengembangkan pendidikan di Indonesia sudah mulai sangat jelas. Pendekatan untuk mengembangkan sendiri telah dirancang sedemikian rupa seingga tujuan-tujuan kurikuler dapat diturunkan secara logis dari nasional dan sitem-lebar tujuan dan kemudian dipecah menjadi hirarki yang tepat sesuai tujuan instruksional, dan pembelajaran yang dapat dibuat secara individual dan menjadikan guru sebagai “guru-bukti” bahwa sisawa dapat belajar menurut apa yang mereka butuhkan dengan bantuan seminimal mungkin dari guru tersebut.
Sayangnya pada tahun 1984, bukti mendekatan bahwa pendekatan yang telah dilakukan pemerintah dianggap tidak mampu memobilisasi sumber daya dan untuk memulai model untuk aplikasi nasional.berdasarkan hal tersebut banyak fakta mengenai penguasaan konsep matematika pada anak-anak serta keterampilan proses matematika sangat rendah.
Upaya saat ini untuk meningkatkan pendidikan matematika di Indonesia meliputi kerjasama untuk melaksanakan kegiatan piloting pengajaran matematika di sekolah-sekolah SMP di beberapa daerah Negara (Marsigit,2003). Pengembangan kurikulum membuthkan kajian komprehensif dan mendalam semua aspek yang terlibat, setidaknya ada enam prinsip sebagai panduan (Marsigit 2003) :1)kesempatan untuk belajar matematika untuk semua, 2) kurikulum yang tidak hanya koleksi materi tetapi harus mencerminkan kegiatan matematika koheren3) pembelajaran matematika membutuhkan teori yang menyeluruh tentang kegiatan siswa, kesiapan mereka untuk belajar dan peran guru memfasilitasi belajar mereka, 4) kesempatan kepada pelajar untuk mengembangkan matematika mereka konsep, 5) kebutuhan untuk mengembangkan penilaian tertanam untuk proses belajar mengajar, 6) menggunakan berbagai jenis sumber belajar mengajar.
Standar Kompetensi Nasional yang telah dikembangkan oleh pemerintah akan diuraikan menjadi kompetensi dasar itu adalah kompetensi minimum yang harus dilakukan oleh siswa, meliputi afektif, kognitif dan psikomotor kompetensi. Dari situlah, pemerintah Indonesia telah mengembankan pembelajaran dan pengajaran kontekstual (CTL) sebagai salah satu pendekatan untuk mendukung implementasi Sekolah Berbasis Kurikulum, yang berarti pemerintah mendorong para guru untuk mengembangkan kecakapan hidup para siswa dengan menggunakan lingkungan secara optimal serta mendukung kegiatan siswa.
Implikasi pelaksanaan kurikulum berbasis sekolah untuk matematika siswa SMP yaitu: a) memberikan para siswa kesempatan untuk meemukan dan menyelidiki pola, dan menggambarkan dan merekam hubungan mereka menemukan; b) mendorong ekplorasi dan bereksperimen dan mencoba hal-hal dalam cara yang berbeda sebanyak mungkin; c) mendesak para siswa untuk mencari konsistensi atau inkosistensi, kesamaan atau perbedaan, cara memesan atau mengatur, cara menggabungkan atau memisahkan; d) membantu siswa untuk menggeneralisasikan penemuan mereka.
Matematika adalah mencari pola dan hubungan. Matematika adalah kegiatan kreatif, yang melibatkan imajinasi, intuisi dan penemuan. Matematika adalah cara pemecahan masalah. Matematika adalah sarana mengkomunikasikan informasi atau ide-ide.
Implikasi pelaksanaan kurikulum berbasis sekolah untuk siswa di SMP harus dapar memastikan bahwa pengajaran-Nya menyediakan kesenangan dan kenikmatan. Dalam pemantauan pelaksanaan kurikulum berbasis sekolah amasih banyak ditemukannya banyak guru masih memiliki masalah dalam melaksanakan Standar Kompensi Nasional dan Kompetensi Dasar dan kendala dari pelaksanaan kurikulum baru.
Akibat dari perubahan semua aspek kehidupan secara cepat, sekolah berebasis kurikulum dapat menjadi titik awal untuk guru matematika di Indonesia untuk mencerminkan dan memindahkan paradigma lama mereka mengajar. Hal ini akan mendorong para guru untuk mengevaluasi kekuatan dan kelemahan berbeda dalam membuat pilihan informasi dan bila perlu siap untuk mempelajari keterampilan baru dalam kepentingan belajar mengajar yang efektif.
Untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan matematika pemerintah pusat perlu: (1) Mendefinisikan kembali peran guru yaitu harus memfasilitasi siswa untuk belajar, (2) mendefinisikan kembali peran kepala sekolah yaitu mereka harus mendukung pengembangan profesional guru dengan memungkinkan mereka untuk menghadiri dan berpartisipasi dalam ilmiah, pertemuan dan pelatihan, (3) mendefinisikan kembali peran sekolah yaitu mereka harus mempromosikan manajemen berbasis sekolah, (4) mendefinisikan kembali peran pengawas yaitu mereka perlu memiliki yang sama latar belakang dengan guru mereka mengawasi agar dapat melakukan supervisi akademik, (5) (6) mempromosikan kolaborasi yang lebih baik antara sekolah dan universitas (7) mendefinisikan sistem evaluasi nasional.

Minggu, 09 Januari 2011

Reflection Psychology of Mathematics Learning in one semester

Psychology of Mathematics Learning

This meeting we will discussed about introduction of psychology of mathematics learning. Psychology is something that mysterious, the theorems of psychology are so mysterious and there is no one who understood about 100% absolute or fixed about the theorem of psychology.
Actually theorems of psychology is discussed and talked about human thinking and behavior. The purpose of uncover the psychological phenomenon is to build a theorem. And one of the theorems in psychological is don’t be a machine.
Every science must have an object as a contents and methods as a container. There is difficult to uncover the psychological phenomenon, so, we must take a respect to the students. As a teacher we must learn to try to be aware or realize of the limitation our self to understanding the student wants. In this section I have a question about “how to give a respect to the students so make them can uncover they self and can accept what is teacher has explained in the class and how to understanding what the students want in the class?”
The characteristic is a relation. The purpose of psychology is to identified the phenomenon, to explain it means explained the phenomenon in the psychological phenomenon, to operate how to implementation the phenomenon.
Psychology of mathematics is one of object mathematics learning, like a psychological in general psychology of mathematics learning is having a method. Because every science or knowledge must have an object and method like has been explained in the first. Then, the in the psychology of mathematics learning an object have an object to as a contained and a method as a container or the formal object. The material of an object can be dividing as a real, abstract, permanent/constant, change, or be union.
There is very difficult to uncover the phenomenon of psychology. And as a teacher we must realize that we have a limitation in understanding the students so we must respect the students. The highest of a knowledge/science is to realize and to understand the lack of our self. And the lowest of a knowledge/science is an arrogant of self.
The way to draw a tree can help us to imagine about the character, to know the characteristic we draw a tree it also known as a deviation when the predicate explain the subject. The characteristic is a relationship, and for the relationship we don’t know about the relation of some characteristic. The highest of the relation of the human is something same with the needed of the human. There is no one of the humans in this world is do not have a relation each other, because the entire thing in this world is the creative power of a God (Ultimate). For the example if we want to know the relation of a rock and a water, sun and moon, eye and air, something is real and something is abstract is same together to think or antithesis.

Question and Answer about Psychological of Mathematic Learning

In this meeting, we will discus about the question and answer by the students in the psychology class. It means that we make a question about the psychological of mathematic learning and then we exchange the question each other, then we try to answer the question from other friends.
For beginning we start from the question from Dessy Kristianto and have been answered by Nawang Sita and have addition explanations about the answer by Lina Wulandari. And the answered is as a teacher we do not be a machine then, this thing must be changed with changed the method of the learning especially the way of the teacher explaining the lesson. How to understand about the psychology of the children? We must try to make a nearest way to open up the students. It can be to do with some interview to the students, what they want to make them happily study in the class and clearly with the explanation of the students, and this method can be helpful by the parents of the students to help the teacher the characteristic of the student.
Every science/knowledge is must have relevance/relation with category.
Then next question is how to know the way of understanding the indication that students feel when in the class? One of the way to understanding what the students feel in the class is we can see the response, they behavior, and the attention of them.
How to handling the students that really difficult to arrange? We can handling the students by try to closer the students and try to make the students open up they self what they fell and what they want to help the students in learning in the class.
The indication of psychological can about heart, mind and soul. Something that is impossible to do is if we try to teach by the old method, that is when the teacher teaches in the class and try to understand the indication of the psychology or what the students feel. So we must to promote the method that effective and innovative.
We as a recruit of a teacher must be change the old method of the teacher that transfers the knowledge become to construct their own knowledge.
Studying can be done in anywhere and anytime and continue as the character of the study itself. To know what the students thinking is we can try one way that is make some LKS to uncover what students think, and how far students take the lesson in the class.
Communication is one of psychological aspects. From Emmanuel Kahn, Mr. Marsigit said that world is something that is your own thinking. Psychology is some application. And from Katagiri, mathematical thinking divides as mathematical attitude, mathematical method, and mathematical content.
One of the value of live is you are have a value because your uniquely. And you can have a meaning if you’re in your own group.
Why if someone teach in the school as KKN teacher, there is have same problems that the teacher do not have any respect or attention by the students it because of crisis of believe from the students. And to be teachers that reluctant by the students try to do not be a purpose but be if-then.
An authentic theorem is passing by limit space and time. Limitation is a management. Emotion can divide as positive emotion and negative emotion. And to control our emotion we can try with pray to the God.

Refleksi Lanjutan

In this meeting, we will discuss again about the question of mathematics learning. If we talked about the mathematics education it can said that we talk about the container and the content. And as the content is mathematics learning itself. Mathematics learning is made up of the paradigm of mathematics education.
If we have different paradigm then we think in different way too. The best way to learn psychology is more practice. For example, if we have different paradigm then we think in different way is we have night and day, that is different context, context as container then make a different thinking. A space and container determine the context than the contents. In society something which makes difference the container is sociology.
The expository cycle that is to explain, to give example, to assignment, homework is just to deliver. And we must change the expository cycle to various methods that to facilitate all student learn.
In this era, the students or child who have psychic defect have a container too, because they have a human right. And we as a candidate of a teacher, we must do something pedagogic in a sincere without pressure and claim of profession. The methods of learning that is some research and the changing methods of learning and the paradigm of the Indonesian people who have traumatic because the stigma. If we have done be a stigma then all the thing who have relation with the bad stigma in the past will become bad too, for the example of the bad stigma that Indonesian people felt is G 30 S PKI.
Auguste Comte in 18 century has made a view about some country. First are technology then religion and then philosophy. And the view of Indonesian people is first spiritual, then normative, formal and the last is material. Technology is in normative or in a formal. And the ‘dajal’ of view from Auguste Comte or in some country like United State of America is post post modern (power now) in 19 century, post modern in 18 century, modern in 17 century, feudal, traditional, tribal, archaic. And the religion in the view of United State of America is in traditional. It is very different between the Indonesian views and Americans view because Indonesian peoples more importance the religion than the other.
Well, actually there is a distance that is nice and bad, right and wrong there is also a distance. Indonesian nation as a traumatic experience not easily see the process. So, we should follow the example of Japanese people with a scheme that could change, make the scheme to cover the ugliness. Such as guideline on Japan that to take a goods and beneficial.
The active from teaching way is depending on our self. And mathematics is have a meaning to teacher to know the students mathematics and then develop it.

Proposal for Doing Small Research to Uncover Psychological Phenomenon of Students Learning Mathematics in Junior High School

“Peer Influence on behavior of Students Learning Mathematics in Junior High School”
Adolescence is a time full of problems, and most of them have the emotion that is still unstable, so sometimes impact the direction of negative or violating the norms of society.
Youth is a time in the level of emotion that is very easy to change from positive thinking then can become negative. Youth have characteristics that is full ambition and drive very erratic emotions or can be called an unstable period. (Hendro Yulianto, 2010)
Teenagers as a human being grow and continue to do good social interaction between teenagers as well as against other neighborhoods, with adaptation teens will gain recognition as a new group members present in the surrounding environment. And even they would be willing to follow the habits that made by a group of teens.
In teenage relationship, they needs to be accepted for each individual are something that is absolutely as a social creature. Every child who enters the teenage years will be faced with social adjustment problems, which include peer interaction problems. Formation of attitudes, behaviors and adolescence social behavior is determined by environmental influences or peers. If the social environment that facilitate or provide the opportunities to the youth in a positive, then the teenagers will reach a mature social development. And if the social environment provides opportunities negatively to adolescents, the adolescent’s social development will be hampered. (Devy Irawati, 2002)
There are two kinds of students are influenced by peer pressure especially in learning mathematics, the first group are the group who are happy to studying mathematics and this group can explain more clearly, easily understandable and enjoyable to other friends that can effect another students to happily studying mathematics and feel that mathematics is not really scared but fun. And the second is the group who only considers mathematics is hard and had a negative previous thinking on these subjects and talked bad about difficulties of mathematics to his friends or vilifies teacher who is less able to explain the lesson more easily or the teacher who are “killer”.
From description above background, the author interested in conducting research on “peer influence on behavior of students learning mathematics in junior high school”
So, the conclusion of that is “whether the peers can influence the behavior of students learning mathematics?”
The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of peers on behavior of students in junior high school and to know the interaction of peers in junior high school.
The benefits of the research is to be the material information for relevant agencies in an effort to improve education quality, to information materials for the community so that they can provide information to the students to be more motivated to learn and minimize the negative effect that arise and maintain a positive influence, and be information material for research in applied science that has been grained during the lecture.
Theoretical Review
Humans are essentially social being. Since birth he needs interaction with others. If an individual began to mingle with his peers, he was no longer just accepting that social contact, but he can also provide social contacts. And then try to understand that in the group of there play around has certain rules, social norm’s in accordance with group interaction.
In a large Indonesian dictionary, peers interpreted as comrades, friends or people who are both working or doing. (Anonymous, 2002). From another dictionary, peers can define as a person who is equal standing with another in group. (Anonymous, 2010)
In my opinion, peer is a group of children or adolescents age of interacting and involving considerable familiarity.
Peer group is an initial interaction for children and adolescents in the social environment. They begin to learn mingle and interact with others who are not members of his family. Association is the ways interact or socialize to the environment or a particular community. Association is important because it is one way to socialize with peers. (Lesa Mutiara, 2010)
A number of studies have recommended how social relationships with peers have a meaning that is essential for personal growth. One function of peer groups is most important to provide a source of information and comparison about the world outside the family. Children or adolescents receiving feed back about their abilities from peer group. Evaluate whether they do better, equal or worse than done by other kids.
According to the experience of the authors peer influence very much especially in learning the lesson, and this case the lesson which is already known among the students is difficult, mathematics. From experience that the author found that is, if there are daily test at school repetition and example of each class held different opinions from other classmates will be very influential, if his opinion is good then confidence and optimism would rise and passion to learn, but if otherwise then there would be only pesiminisme and feeling afraid to do the best next day.
From the research children indicated more negative emotional responses toward disliked peers than other peers, and ratings of their behavior indicated that responses to negative behaviors or disliked children were more active than those to peers or different relationship. (David D. Delawyer, Sharon L. Foster, 2001)
In addition to the family environment that influence to development of an individual if the individual has been interacting with other individuals is social environment. The social environment is an environment in which an individual began to interact with other individuals outside the family. The social environment is meant peers. Peers are hanging out a child’s environment and through interaction with peers, individuals will meet and start hanging out with her friends with a pattern of behavior that is different, so that through these interaction each individual will understand each other desires and often individual will form groups if the behavior of his friends has been deemed suitable.
Peer interaction can affect behavior. Influence can be positive influence and can also be negative effects. Positive influence in question is when an individual with their peers performs useful activities such as forming study groups and adherence to the norms of society. While the negative effects that is intended to be a violation of social norms, and the school environment in the forms of violation of school rules, from teenage peers to receive feedback about their abilities. Teenagers tend to follow the opinion of the group and assume that his group was always right. Then tendency to join with peers motivated by desire to be independent, as revealed by Hurlock in Mu’tadin (2002), that through peer relation. Ship teens think independently, make their own decisions, take or even reject the views and values that come from family and studying patterns of acceptable behavior within the group.
Method of Research
This study aims to determine the symptoms that occur in self-respondents. This study tried to determine the factors that may affect the incident.
Object in this research are a number of junior high school students.
Data collection instrument used in this study are as follows:
Questionnaires, namely granting a number of question to the respondents (students) to know the effect of peer interaction on learning behavior of students in particular subjects of mathematics and whether the friend was also influenced by favorite subject were mathematics.
Direct interviews with some students.
Analysis Data
To analyze the data we can use statistics.
Determine the average of studying result, the variance, and standard deviation.
Make some simple analysis about the peer influence on behavior of students learning mathematics with simple regression, that is Y ̂=a+bx , where:
Y ̂ = the subject variable bunch which project
x= Free variable which have same value to the predict
a= Constant value of Y if x= 0
b= Value of direction as prediction which show the value increase (+) or decrease (-) variable Y
Make a hypothesis that: “There is significant influence between peer interactions with student’s teaching in particular subjects that is mathematics in junior high school.”
Statistical hypothesis can be formulated as follows:
Ho: p=0
H1 : p≠0
Ho: no significant effect of peer interaction with the behavior of students learning mathematics at junior high school.
H1: there is any significant influence among peers with the behavior of students learning mathematics at junior high school.
Devy Irawati. 2002. Remaja (http://digilib.gunadarma.ac.id/90-php?id=jiptumm-gd1-s1-2002-devy-8676-remaja)
Susyla Nyingsih. 2001. Pengaruh Teman Sebaya terhadap Perilaku Siswa pada SLTP Negeri 1 Wakarumba Selatan (http://hasmansulawesi1.blogspot.com/2009/03/pengaruh-temansebaya-terhadap-perilaku.html)
Hendro Yulianto. 2010. Perkembangan Remaja (http://id.shvoong.com/writing-and speaking/self-publishing/230412-perkembangan remaja/)
Lesa Mutiara. 2010. Pergaulan Remaja (http://edukasi.kompasiana.com/2010/09/30/pergaulan-remaja/)
David D. Delawyer, Sharon L. Foster. 2001. Remaja, Episentrum Psikologi (Psychological Assessment) (http://episentrum.com/artikel-psikologi/remaja/#more-213)

Phenomenon of mathematics can be divide into two kinds that is disaster (not read yet) and amusing (reading).
The Indonesian people view about psychology and philosophy that is first transcendental/ God, then philosophy of life include philosophy of mathematics and then mathematical thinking.
The essence of mathematics: definition
Mathematics is:
- Body knowledge
- Science of truth
- Structure of truth
- Process of thinking
- Social activities
For the definition about mathematics above the first until the third of the definition inclined to the axiomatic mathematics.
The essence of students:
- Empty barrel
- Built/construct a character
- Students orientation
- To built/ plants, it’s like to plant
The theorem of student’s ability:
- Talented and effort
- Talent
- Talent development
- Need
- Aspect of culture, relatives

The essence of Learning Mathematics (Ernest, 1991)
Feedback, Critics Reformulation
Publication new concept

Subject knowledge Social Interaction object knowledge

New concept representation

Conceptual problem
1. Philosophical ground
2. Problem of teaching
a. Traditional
b. Innovative, is mean constructive teaching
The nature of the school mathematics divides into two kinds that are inside and outside. In realistic of mathematics in school in inside is vertical and realistic mathematics in school in outside is horizontal. The essences of school mathematics are pattern and relationship, problem solving, investigation, and communication.

Refleksi dari perkuliahan umum

Dari perkuliahan kemarin saya mendapat sesuatu bahwa untuk menjadi sorang pendidik/guru harus dapat interaktif membangun komunikasi dengan para muridnya. Dimana seorang guru seharusnya dapat melakukan propaganda yang dapat membuat murid-muridnya menjadi semakin tertarik dalam mengikuti pelajaran.
Salah satu tugas guru adalah untuk mengusik pikiran siswa dengan melakukan propaganda agar siswa menjadi penasaran dan selalu ingin tahu.
Guru tidak harus selalu berbuat benar/ dalam mengajar dapat memungkinkan untuk melakukan suatu kesalahan agar murid-muridnya jauh lebih perhatian terhadap apa yang diajarkan.
Menurut Pak Marsigit kita benar-benar belum memahami pa yang sebenarnya hal-hal apa saja yang disampaikan pada perkuliahan umum kemarin. Kebanyakan dari kita hampir terpengaruh dengan pendapatnya mengenai pembelajaran baru yakni mengenai teori not understanding. Menurut beliau professor itu sendiri sangat kontradiktif terhadap apa yang disampaikannya berdasarkan hasil-hasil diskusi yang dilakukan oleh Pak Marsigit dengan professor itu.

How to establish my personal psychology?

Psikologi adalah ilmu pengetahuan yang mempelajari tingkah laku manusia, baik sebagai individu maupun dalam berhubungan dengan lingkungannya. Tingkah laku tersebut bermacam-macam, baik tingkah laku yang tampak maupun tidak tampak, disadari dan tidak disadari. Shingga psikologi pendidikan matematika dapat diartikan sebagai ilmu yang mempelajari penerapan teori-terori psikologi dalam bidang pendidikan khususnya matematika.
Salah satu syarat utama untuk dapat melakukan pergaulan sosial dengan orang lain adalah dengan cara memiliki kemampuan untuk mengenali dirinya sendiri. Dengan mengenali diri sendiri, sesorang akan memiliki self-management yang baik.
Psikologi adalah suatu cabang ilmu mengenai sistem sosial dan sifat yang ada dalam diri manusia. Sehingga untuk membangun personal psychology, pertama-tama kita harus dapat memahami diri sendiri. Sedangkan pengenalan diri akan sangat membantu seseorang untuk dapat bersosialisasi dengan orang lain.
Jadi, sebenarnya untuk membangun dan membentuk psikologi diri, dimulai dari mengenali diri sendiri.

Beberapa soal test psikologi

- Komunikasi paling rendah adalah material
- Komunikasi paling tinggi adalah berdoa
- Komunikasi tulisan adalah formal
- Kebutuhan paling tinggi yang dibutuhkan oleh seseorang adalah aktualisasi diri
- Kebutuhan paling rendah yang dibutuhkan oleh seseorang adalah kebutuhan bawah sadar/insting seperti makan, sandang, berdoa, dll.
- Psikologi yang unpredictable dinamakan psikologi hologram
- Bila sesorang diberikan sesuatu kemudian dilihat dinamakan memiliki stimulus response
- Psikologi yang menyangkut perubahan tingkah laku adalah psikologi behavior
- Psikologi yang dilihat dari umur dinamakan psikologi pertumbuhan
- Psikologi orang tua dinamakan psikologi andragogi
- Mempelajari konsep siswa membangun matematika disebut konstruktif
- Bisa mempelajari berfikir setelah melihat bendanya dinamakan asteriori
- Pendapat sementara dari seseorang dinamakan hipotesis
- Sikap menentukan orang lain dinamakan dikterminis
- Hidup adalah pilihan merupakan psikologi reduksi
- Logika itu merupakan kebenarannya merupakan psikologi yang koheren
- Kita itu lahir dari jiwa/cinta
- Pembeda antara psikologi dengan ilmu wacana adalah fungsi control
- Kapan kita semua akan mati? Jawabannya adalah kapan saja/setiap saat
- Mengapa kita hidup? Kita hidup karena kita berpikir
- Menerapkan rumus, mempunyai pacar termasuk contoh dalam deduksi
- Nilai matematika itu meliputi struktur, logika, manfaatnya, keunikan
- Pemikiran yang ada diluar pikiran dinamakan transenden
- Berserah diri dengan nasib dinamakan fatal
- Tidak percaya terhadap takdir dinamakan vital
- Halusinasi dari pemandangan adalah fatamorgana
- Pusat jari-jari dari suatu lingkaran itu ada dimana-mana
- Seuatu yang ada dibalik penampakan itu adalah metafisik
- Berfikir paling tinggi adalah mengambil keputusan
- Menganggap paling sempurna adalah idealisasi
- Mengambil sebagian sikap adalh abstraksi
- Aspek psikologi meliputi pengertian psikologi, aktifitas berpikirm teori tentang berpikir, dan teori tentang belajar mengajar
- Sesuatu yang ada dalam diri kita adalah intrinsic
- Sesuatu yang adal di luar diri kita adalah ekstrinsik
- Seuatu hal yang paling tinggi adalah sistemik
- 2 macam intuisi secara filsafat/psikologi adalah ruang dan waktu
- Intuisi spiritual merupkan pencerahan dari arah yang tak tentu
- Mengambil sifat yang hanya akan dipelajari saja dinamakan abstracted
- Bentuk konkret adalah horizontal
- Hakekat matematika sekolah yakni pattern and relationship, investigation, communication, and problem solving
- Matematika yang ada dalam matematika realistic adalah matematika horizontal dan matematika vertical
- Orang paling sexy di dunia adalah Barrack Obama
- Skema dari hubungan adalah
Hati-doa-iman taqwa-spiritual-tuhan-agama
Kata-kata (bahasa lisan)
Tulisan (bahasa material)
Skema diatas saling berhubungan missal hubungan antara tindakan adalah tulisan, hubungan antara kata-kata dan tulisan adalah pikiran, dst.
- Anak emas dari reduksi adalah abstraksi dan eliminasi


Immanuel Kahn membagi 2 dunia yakni fenomena sebagai dunia yang tampak dan naumena sebagai dunia yang tidak tampak.
Descrates memiliki arti meragukan semuanya, tidak dapat membedakan mimpi dan kenyataan, sebagai contoh merahukan Tuhan.
Skeptic merupakan meragukan atau memulai ilmu dengan keragu-raguan.
Setinggi-tinggi psikologi adalah menyaksikan kejadian psikologi itu sendiri.
Salah satu cirri-ciri orang yang tidak professional adalah mudah terkena ambifalensi atau lebih dimengerti atau dikenal dengan kontradiksi