Sabtu, 17 September 2011

Revitalisasi Pendidikan Matematika

Title : Revitalisasi Pendidikan Matematika
By : Dr. Marsigit, M.A
Ikhtisar Oleh : Dessy R. Fitriyani (09313244026)
Date : Saturday, 17 September 2011

According to the survey (Marsigit, 1996: 123-133) stated that some of primary and secondary mathematics teachers have not enough references to support their mathematics teaching practices. Global trend of the notion of good practice of mathematics teaching tends to acknowledge that the students should be the center of teaching learning processes. References show that teacher center and student center have different implication to all aspects of the teaching. The paradigm of “transfer of knowledge” is perceived not to be appropriate with the need for developing the students. Instead of this, many educationists strive to deeply examine on”developing” as new paradigm. Progressivisms perceive that in order to be able to develop their students the role of the teachers should be changed from being a transmitter to be the facilitator.

Revitalization of trying to put role of mathematics education teachers to realize the importance of mathematics education more in line with (returned to) educate in the sense of meaning in truth and substance science which is the object of learning itself. Revitalization of mathematics education should depart from the self-reflection of individual educators and factual conditions of practice learning. Reflection will thus be useful to know the positive aspects as well deficiencies/weaknesses to be used as input to determine the step or attitude toward the new paradigm in education for later trying to implement into practice the truth.

Mathematics is associated with all the knowledge of the human self, then it is clear that mathematics is not neutral and value free. Mathematics can be divide into 4 (four) types, in where each has different characteristics:
a. Formal mathematics-pure including mathematics developed in the university and taught mathematics in schools;
b. Formal mathematics, namely that developed in education and outside, like a statistician who worked in the industry.
c. Informal-pure mathematics, it is mathematics developed outside educational institutions; may be attached to the culture of pure mathematics.
d. Informal mathematics, applied mathematics that is used in all everyday life, including crafts, office work and trade.

Revitalization f mathematics education contains also understanding the need to attempt to formulate a mathematical model of learning considered in accordance with our conditions and in accordance with the demands of changing times.
Ebbut and Straker (1995: 10-63) gives guidelines for the revitalization of mathematics education in the form of basic assumptions and implications for learning mathematics as follows:
1. Mathematics is the search activity patterns and relationships.
2. Mathematics is the creativity that requires imagination, intuition and discovery.
3. Mathematics us problem solving activities.
4. Mathematics is a tool to communicate.
5. Mathematics teaching materials include:
- Facts
- Understanding (concepts)
- Skills algorithms
- Reasoning skills
- Problem-solving skills
- Skills investigation (investigation)

Revitalization of mathematics education in an effort in the direction where the practitioner’s mathematics education are given the opportunity to conduct self-reflection, for then faced with multi-entry decision on the basis of the attitude of the in-depth study towards a new paradigm has to offer. Recognized that is not easy to realize revitalization of education without the awareness and greatness of soul both the macro and micro-world of our education.
The teachers are better able to realize the revitalization of the (educational) learning mathematics that fosters the creativity of students, referring to the recommendation
Cockroft Report (1982) as well as the elaboration of Ebbut, S and Straker, A (1995), the following is a suggestion that might be useful for teachers in conducting learning mathematics, through the preparation phase, learning phase, and phase evaluation.

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