Title : Pengembangan Blog sebagai Portofolio Digital untuk Peningkatan Daya Matematika
By : Dr. Marsigit, M.A. , Bambang SHM, Mkom, dan Kuswari Hernawati, Mkom
Resume by : Dessy R. Fitriyani (09313244026)
Date : Saturday, 17 September 2011
This paper is contain of some research with the object of research are multiuser blog software (WordPress), Students of Mathematics Education, Material subject which research team has lecture in that subject. The research start from May 2009 until November 2009 with the research location is Jurdik Computer Laboratory of Mathematics FMIPA UNY. Other institution which involved is UNY Puskom which will provide facilities UNY Internet network that will provide Internet network facilities and webhosting blog multiuser.
The target of the research are founding blog multiuser as a form of utilization of alternative uses of open source software in the learning process, the formation of faculty and students in appreciation use legal software, cheap and reliable, establishment of a model portofolio for the course is ready implemented in teaching and learning, increase power of mathematics as a result of implementation of the blog as digital portofolio, sharing information (written communication) among students and dosen.
In education, the digital portfolio is a documentation system which includes all sorts of results activity and reflection that can indicate a change or developments conditions or circumstances or individual potential. According to Barret (2004) that the most important components of the digital portofolio is a reflection of education individual study indicated partial or the entire document portofolio.
Mathematics resources:
a. Mathematical communication
b. Mathematical reasoning
c. Mathematical problem solving
d. Mathematical connections
e. Positive attitude toward mathematics
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