Minggu, 11 September 2011


Title : UNIVERSITAS NEGERI YOGYAKARTA MENUJU PERGURUAN TINGGI BERTARAF INTERNASIONAL (PTBI) “Yogyakarta State University in the move toward World Class University”
BY : Dr. Marsigit, MA
Resume By : Dessy R. Fitriyani (09313244026)
Hari/Tanggal : Sabtu, 10 September 2011

Yogyakarta state university toward international standard can be provided through two approaches, namely a formal approach and the approach of substantive. Formal approach makes position of UNY in social life among many universities in Indonesia, interactions among universities in the world, and particularly the role UNY as a former LPTK. In the midst of euphoria to the international level, UNY faced with two phenomenons that spans the two sides / ends that have not synergistic. First, UNY have an obligation to support government policy to develop the schools SBI / RSBI, and thus the UNY must also take steps towards international universities. Second, UNY presented to the various criteria for ranking world universities, and in fact much of UNY still ranked. In order to improve the quality of service and learning, enhance the image.
UNY in the community, as well as the implementation of internationalization UNY; working units in UNY has implemented ISO 9001:2000 certification program. All faculties in UNY, all institutions, all the bureaus, UPT Library, as well as several departments in the faculty have obtained ISO 9001:2000 quality management certificates. In terms of cooperation, UNY already have a good relationship with stakeholders that include government agencies, business and industry, schools, universities, and professional certification body and related organizations in the form of MoU in both home and abroad.
State University of Yogyakarta to the World Class University is a business Yogyakarta State University conducted its whole organization and components of the civitas to achieve academic excellence of international standards in the field of Teaching and Education Program, Research and Publication, as well as Organization and Management Education.
Realizing the State University of Yogyakarta be a World Class University who has working culture system that meets international standards in conducting Tridharma Higher Education so as to produce graduates who are qualified and excel in global world. Planning and implementation of programs to prepare and encourage UNY accomplishment as WCU. The process and results can be accounted for
(Accountability) to stakeholders both locally, nationally and internationally. Continuity (on going activity) to continue and the civilizing process and the results have been achieved. Task Force was formed consisting of various disciplines, committed and experienced in the field of World Class development pilot program University.
Programs WCU
The long term goal is to realize the UNY become an international university with also ranked below 500 universities in the world. Five-year program and the annual WCU program developed and implemented in order to achieve medium-and short-term goal. The programs developed WCU as follows:
a. Development International Standard Department
b. International Standard Curriculum
c. Process teaching and learning of international standards
d. Assessment of Learning Outcomes International Standard
e. Teaching Material and Learning Resources International Standard
f. Qualified Lecturer International Development
g. Employee Development and other Supporting Personnel WCU
h. Infrastructures Supporting World Class University
i. ICT-Based Management in order to support WCU
j. Libraries International Standard to support the WCU
k. Competent International Student Affairs
l. Publication of Scientific Research and International Standard
m. Dedication In the Community (PPM) within the framework of WCU
n. Cooperation and International Exchange

UNY toward international universities have been implementing various program in year 2 (two). These programs are developed off potential activities which have been owned, either individually or institutionally, to UNY towards institutional strengthening of international standards (WCU). Activities include following the delivery of short-course lecturers abroad, acquiring the ability in the field of teaching content through Classic and earned the International Certificate to teach at the International Class. To support the UNY program towards World Class University, it has been initiated embryos international study program that begins with lectures held in English, at least one course in each study program. To support the activities above, UNY also conducts innovative programs for English Language Improvement Programs and Preparation Programs International Level. Number of departments prepared to as much as 9 internationally. Each faculty was asked to select the department with
international standard, so that every faculty rationed a study program which will be funded from
innovative this program. Subsequently, three other departments will compete in the university. In 2009, it has opened two (2) Education is an international class Mathematics and Accounting Education
In the implementation of the WCU program for 2 (two) years found some of the following as conclusions and suggestions: 1) English Ability lecturer in international class still needs to be improved 2) Students need to be given wider opportunities to improve English skills. 3) Explored and developed the need for more intensive to establish cooperation with partner universities. 4) The need to fill or to follow up the MOU agreed to university partners. 5) For the lecturers is still needs enhanced ability to research and publish research results in international journals 6) Existing information systems still need to be improved, including Web development bilingual 7) The need for increased frequency of communication or cooperation between lecturers UNY with faculty partners. 8) Realized the need for joint activities (joint activity) either individually and institutional. 9) The need for support facilities and administrative staff to support the activities WCU. 10) the need for support and understanding among all the civitas UNY looked at the need for WCU. 11) The need for communication and socialization continuously about the nature, WCU direction and purpose. 12) The need for support and formal foundation of the university about developing UNY to the WCU.

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